Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My Attempt at a Guest Post for SCL

  Hey all!  If I haven't talked to you about it already, there's a great blog out there called "Stuff Christians Like."  It's written by this very funny guy named Jon Acuff, and you can view it here.  If you haven't/aren't reading it yet, you need to.  It's got lots of great entries there.

  Well, on Friday he posted saying that anyone who wants to have a potential guest post should email him their entry.  I wrote one and emailed it today, but I thought that I should also post it here and get some feedback from you guys.  Let me know what you think.  I present:

Listening to the Same Five Songs on the Radio

  I really do love music.  I particularly love the strides that Christians have made in music lately.  You can’t swing an offering bag without hitting a talented group of Christians who make great music.  I’m completely aware that not everyone has the same tastes in music.  I mean, for crying out loud, I’m sure my youth pastor hated my obsession with Five Iron Frenzy when I was in youth group.  But for any style you choose there’s a group for you.

  Want a Christian version of the “Sing Off” (did anyone else love that show as much as me) cast recordings?  You’re in luck!  The winners this year were a Gospel group!  Want to get into the punk scene without all the pesky anarchy?  There’s a band for you!  Check out any number of West Coast artists who have been around since the ‘90s.  Love hand bell music?  There’s probably a group for you somewhere (Sorry, I’m not very down with the hand bell scene).

  With all this diversity you’d think that there wouldn’t be hardly any repetition when you listen to Christian radio.  Alas, that is not the case.  I’ve often wondered why that was, and after careful reflection I think that I’ve finally figured it out.  I submit to you the five reasons we only ever listen to the same five songs on Christian radio stations:

1.)    The Worship Eagle Gets to Pick the Rotation
That merciless dictator the Worship Eagle has a very specific idea of what’s edifying.  He loves his style and so will everyone else.  The Worship Eagle determines what the masses will listen to, and the Worship Eagle wants to listen to the Newsboys.

2.)     Different Versions of “Blessed Be Your Name”
Any band who’s wants to be taken seriously as a worship band has to do a version of “Blessed Be Your Name.”  Since that truism is in effect, it stands to reason that the choices are numerous.  How are you supposed to know which version is the best or even your favorite if you haven’t heard them all?  Fear not!  It’ll be in rotation until at least 2024 because there’s a new version coming out every day.  Really, the Worship Eagle is doing you a favor.

3.)    Multiple Layers of Truth
Music can bring up so many important truths about life.  A lot of the time, you’re not going to get all the truthiness out of a song on the first listen through.  What better way to glean all the spiritual truth from a song than to listen to it over and over and over again?  It’s like digging for oil.  Those guys didn’t just give up after a couple of feet of tough drilling.  They kept going until they hit pay-dirt!  Just keep listening!  You’ll get the life-change moment eventually!

4.)    The Song Sounds Like a Popular Secular Band
Pretty self explanatory.  How else are we to reach the kids these days?  We have to have alternatives to what they’re listening to.  I’m excited for the launch of the Christian version of Lady Gaga in 2013.

5.)    They’re “Christians in a Band”
This one is similar to number 4, but it has a very special distinction: the band’s songs have become super popular and seem to be about something more than unrequited love, Friday, or partying in the USA.  Now that we know where they stand on spiritual things, it’s ok to play the song on the radio.  And play it we will.  Because nothing says relevance like jumping on a band wagon. 

    I feel better now that I’ve got that figured out.  It’s been something that’s been bothering me for a while.  Oh!  Hang on, I think I hear Kirk Franklin and choir’s Matt Redman Medley starting. 

Were there any reasons I missed?


  1. hahaha Friday and Partying in the USA! :) love it!

  2. All hail the worship Eagle!!!
